Beatrice Weber
Dragos came into my life and, consequently, into Friends For Friends Foundation’s as one of those angels who appears when you need them most. The story is quite wonderful: he won a prize at the very first edition of Superwritings Prizes – one of the FFFF’s first big projects, which supports all forms of narrative journalism and creative non-fiction writings. You may not know this about Dragos, but being the kind of person who never stops exploring and pushing his inner creative potential, he also loves writing.
We can say the beginning of our friendship is mostly based on synchronicities rather than words – that’s how Dragos did his parenting for our second big and representative project: Creative Fitness Studio, a gym where you can work out your creative muscle. Thanks to his guiding talent, putting together both ideas and humans, we succeeded in making that ‘dream team’ which brought into being an innovative workshop for training anyone’s creativity, generating ideas and problem solving for companies. Recently, we have even succeeded in bringing it into schools and we won’t stop until we’ll have creative classes in the formal curriculum.
Dragos is and will remain in the history of FFFF. Thank you and keep up the good spirit.
About Beatrice Weber
Beatrice Weber, actual Activist Extraordinaire | Executive President, she has 20 years of experience in mass media industry (former marketing director at ProTV, Evenimentul Zilei & Grupul Catavencu-Realitatea). Since 2011, she is focusing her energy & intelligence supporting practical creativity putting the basis of the current projects of Friends For Friends Foundation.