Costin Glavan

When I first attended Dragos’s  Lean Start-up course he asked what I wanted to get out of the course and I answered “I want to learn how to think like a successful entrepreneur”. So that’s exactly what he delivered. The best way to validate any supposition is to see if people pay for it and the better I got at finding efficient ways to test it, the more efficient my time is spent. I learned that a Minimum Viable Product need not be perfect and that wording is very important when delivering the product / service. Thanks to this I transformed my first clients into 5 great testimonials which helped me further my fitness business.
Leveling up my activity Dragos taught me the ropes of running big events which helped me grow my business even more: how to bring people to the event, how to measure each step of the way what worked and what did not work, how to capitalize on the results. His mentoring is always driven by evidence and facts and the action plans he helps me develop are always efficient
About Costin
I help high-achieving men and women improve posture and health, eliminate back pain and other types chronic pain empowering them to fulfill their over arching-dream and goals. I use one of the world’s most personalized methods for physical conditioning and holistic health called the CHEK system.
You can reach me at and follow me on Instagram.