Letter to a startup wannabe (part 3)
I receive weekly 3-4 emails or presentations (pitch decks) from founders with untested ideas. They are looking for an investor who’s willing to pay their salaries and the necessary costs to create and launch a…
I receive weekly 3-4 emails or presentations (pitch decks) from founders with untested ideas. They are looking for an investor who’s willing to pay their salaries and the necessary costs to create and launch a…
Recomand un astfel de sistem tuturor clientilor mei, fiindca email-urile din inbox au o incarcatura emotionala negativa, inconstienta. Puteti sa testati asta observandu-va daca aveti “apnee de email”. Cu alte cuvinte, daca va tineti inconstient…
Asadar acesta este formatul intalnirilor noastre de suport emotional, pe care m-am gandit sa il impartasesc cu voi #peblog, poate va inspira: 1. Inainte de fiecare intalnire stabilim un facilitator care sa se ocupe de…
1. First of all, you need to understand that being an entrepreneur means having a great passion for continuous learning, efficient action and finding the right solutions. If you don’t like to read, study, analyze, implement,…
Probabil cu totii am citit deja studiile care arata cat de contraproductive pot fi intalnirile sau sedintele interminabile. Asta pentru ca, de cele mai multe ori, nu stim cu claritate care sunt obiectivele intalnirii si…
Articol de Gabriela Blaga Cu siguranta, pentru multi dintre voi, cuvantul “mindfulness” nu mai este nou. Pentru ca, mda, este la moda … Dar, cati oare ati indraznit sa si “probati” aceasta practica? Eu am…
*Articol de Gabriela Blaga Intr-o postare anterioara, va vorbeam despre cum puteti pune bazele unei comunitati online. Daca acest tip de comunitate este din ce in ce mai cunoscut, despre un grup gen “mastermind” se…
Every time I receive feedback after a presentation, I feel aggressed. Especially since I never ask for it. But people keep coming to me, feeling the arduous need to tell me how my presentation could…
Here’s an interview I had with Bogdan Dumitrescu from Comedy.Show with ideas about passion, vocation, mentoring and coaching [ut_highlight color=”#ff6e00″]1. What do you understand by vocation? What does it mean?[/ut_highlight] Vocation is for me transforming…
(some of my opinions after the second Iscoditor meeting) 1. [ut_highlight color=”#ff6e00″]The coach’s attitude is one of trust, patience and neutrality.[/ut_highlight] You trust your client for finding his own best solutions, through repeated tries. You…
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